Rabbi's Message - Tisha B'Av 2024 - August 12, 2024
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B"H Tisha B’Av 2024
Tisha B’Av, the ninth day of the month of Av, is the day we recall the destruction of the first two Temples in Jerusalem. The first was destroyed in 586 BCE and the second in 70 CE. It’s a time when Jews realize that there are no guarantees in life. Even our most treasured possessions are fleeting unless we can ensure its long term protection. Israel is currently at a crossroads, it's fighting for its survival. The enemy around Israel is growing stronger and those who seek its destruction seem to be multiplying in number. Israel’s enemies seem to be an anomaly; although culturally, religiously and politically they are vastly dissimilar they seem to find commonality in being against the only democratic country in the Middle East, Israel. We may mourn the Temples of yesteryear but it’s far more important to ensure the viability of the Temple of tomorrow. If Israel ceases to exist, the hopes, dreams and aspirations of the Jewish world go along for the ride. The Jewish world is in chaotic times and the glue holding the Jewish world together is the State of Israel.
I keep on hearing this phrase “Yet again, far too many civilians have been killed”. I agree too many civilians have been killed, but what’s the alternative? Should Hamas and Islamic Jihad be allowed free reign to bombard Israel. Should United Nations schools and mosques provide safe havens and grant immunity to terrorists? For some reason, I haven’t heard the refrain from western politicians and media: too many Israeli civilians have died. Unless the Israelis will take the initiative of destroying Hamas, the murder of innocent Israeli citizens will continue. I believe Hamas and most radicals fear projecting weakness and care little about the consequences of Gazan residents. The tide of the war and the freedom of hostages will only change, if and when Hamas perceives its image is irrevocably challenged. When Israel murders Hamas and Hezbollah leaders it’s sending a strong message that Hamas hasn’t heard since October 7th. When Israel is willing and able to kill 19 Hamas members in a UN school it’s sending a message that is long overdue. It’s the only solution to 300 days of hostage negotiations that has accomplished far too little. What the west continues to parrot is causing an immense injustice to Israel. Should Israel allow Hamas to end the war claiming victory? Should Barghouti and other murderous criminals be freed so Israel can get back the bodies of dead hostages? Should Israel consent to hundreds of convicted murderers being granted freedom? When America and its allies demand a ceasefire, they are supporting these radical terrorists with bloodstained hands to see the light of day. They are stating that Jewish blood is cheap. They are saying those who committed atrocities on October 7th should not have to pay a price. Yes, too many civilians have died and I feel very bad. Unfortunately though, when the western world and the United Nations fail to blame Hamas for using their facilities and only criticize Israel by continually saying “too many civilians have died” they are rewarding evil. On what planet should it be justified to protect Hamas and endanger Israeli citizens?
Any thoughtful person should realize that Hamas not only partners with radical Islam, it also partners with moderate world leaders, global anti semites and leaders of the United Nations. The intense criticism of civilian death by honorable and generally supportive politicians serve not the interest of peace but serves to elevate Hamas in the eyes of their supporters. Instead of accomplishing the goal of a cessation of violence and the ultimate freedom of hostages, I fear it accomplishes the exact opposite. It serves to embolden the terrorists and endanger innocent Israelis.
The solution seems so obvious. For over 300 days the world has played into the hands of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. Sadly, many hostages have already perished and we are no closer to a political solution. It’s time for the global leaders to reassess their game plan. It’s time to stop playing defense and start pushing the offense. The Olympics may have volleyball as a sport but Israel should not be playing volleyball with its enemies. The world should stop demanding that Israel be reactive and only retaliate when our enemies shoot first. They must realize that Israel and any army can only succeed by being proactive and catching the enemy unguarded.
I’m all for a ceasefire and an end to hostilities. I’m all for making concessions to end the war. But the concessions can’t be irrational and endanger the lives of future generations. In my humble opinion, the war will come to an immediate end when Israel is given unstinting support from the international community to teach the enemy that their endeavors will fail. Instead of criticizing Israel for its targeted killing of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders, they worlds should give Israel a standing ovation. They should be reading the riot act to Qatar and Turkey who are supporters of Hamas and tell them they must make a choice; either side with democracy and freedom or we will hold you equally responsible. To countries that funnel funds or equipment to Hamas they should be seen as collaborating with the enemy and be judged accordingly.
I’m not espousing radical views, nor do I wish for the death or destruction of anyone. I value peace and pray for it daily. I don’t believe in the killing of infidels and value the sanctity of all religion. I believe in coexistence but not at the jeopardy of my people. As in Temple times, the Jews never sought to destroy ideas, they only sought to protect their own ideas. Israel today, seeks mutual respect from all countries and seeks only to protect its democracy as the single Jewish country in the world. Is that really too much to ask? This Tisha B’Av let’s not only reminisce about our past but let’s unite about our future.