Rabbi's Message - The inequality of morality - July 26, 2024
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The inequality of morality
There are countries and politicians who have no shame or moral compass. They are vociferous in their condemnation of Israel and Jews. In their opinion nothing that Israel does is justified, nor is anything perpetrated against Israel or the Jewish people considered morally repugnant. In their worldview, Israel and the Jewish people are inherently evil and deserving of any and all punishment including annihilation. Hence, Israelis can never be construed as being victimized, as all acts of aggression against them are appropriate.
Sadly, there are few if any countries who counter these attitudes with a policy that unequivocally supports Israel and the Jewish people. Even our best friends (which have become fewer and fewer in number) place unrealistic constraints on their friendship by handicapping Israel’s ability to defend itself against terrorism. I often wonder how many soldiers have died due to the policies of our friends.
And then there are those who claim to be supportive of Israel’s right to defend itself but equivocate when questioned who is truly to blame for what is happening in Gaza. They parallel the atrocities of Hamas with the evilness of Netanyahu and Gallant. They downplay the continuing terrorist activities of Arabs living in Judea and Samaria against Israeli civilians and blame the ‘evil settlers’ for all Israel’s woes. In the eyes of these morally myopic individuals, Palestinian terror against Jews is excusable but Jews defending against these acts of aggression are inexcusable. If a Jew enters into a Palestinian enclave, their safety is in jeopardy. Lynching, stoning and murder is the norm. Conversely, an Arab entering into a Jewish area is treated with dignity and respect.
Perceiving global truths should not be subject to politics. If Israel and Jews are wrong it should be duly noted and reported. However, political subjectivity is finding its way into mainstream media as fact rather than opinion. Kamala Harris in her conversation with Netanyahu strongly advocated for a ceasefire in Gaza. Does Netanyahu not want a ceasefire? Every Israeli wants a ceasefire and would be willing to stop the war in Gaza as soon as the hostages are released and Hamas abandons their grip on the Gaza Strip. By criticizing Israel and Hamas as equally responsible she is playing into the hands of terrorists.
I recently attended a lecture by Ambassador Marc Ginsberg. He truly believed that he was advocating for Israel. I sat in the audience flabbergasted by his unbalanced portrayal of the ‘settlers’ in the Middle East since October 7th. In his mind Netanyahu and the ‘settlers’ are as guilty as Hamas. But the Palestinian authority that condones violence against Israel and pays large stipends to the families of those who murder Jews, are partners for peace. His political subjectivity conforms to an ideology that promotes the Netanyahu coalition as the problem. And sadly he speaks not only as a Jew and a Zionist, he speaks as a representative of a supportive American policy towards Israel. All I can think of is a Yiddish phrase that depicts my sentiments “och in vei” or “how sad it is” that our friends have become our antagonists.
I want to conclude by suggesting that all wrongs are certainly wrong but not all wrongs are compatible. By equating ‘settlers’ burning of olive trees (which is wrong) to Arabs in Nablus killing Jews who enter into their cities is morally repugnant. By equating Israel’s need to go into Gaza post October 7th to Hamas’s invading Israel on October 7th, is morally repugnant. By suggesting that Israel is targeting innocent civilians, when everyone knows that Hamas is placing terrorists amongst innocent civilians is morally repugnant. By blaming Israel for bombing UN schools and hospitals knowing full well that Hamas uses these facilities to house their weapons and terror squads is morally repugnant. I’m not advocating that Israel is guiltless, I’m advocating that comparing what Israel has had to with the atrocities that Hamas chose to do is beyond morally repugnant.
Shabbat shalom,
Rabbi Jack Engel
PS: Kamala Harris’s husband Doug Imhoff’s made news by telling concerned Jewish voters “maybe I’ll put a mezuzah in the White House”. His words reminded me of a Starkist commercial about Charlie the tuna. “Charlie, Starkist doesn’t want tuna with good taste, Starkist wants tuna that tastes good”. In 2025, the American people don’t need a White House with a mezuzah, they need a president who is unflinching in Israel’s support. We need a president who doesn’t only talk the talk but one who walks the walk.